Post by Elias FotinisInitially I didn't see much in label tagging,
but it's perfect for things like mail.
Which is why Gmail is also built around it.
Gmail also has one more label called, guess what?
"Inbox" !!!
So simple:
Every incoming mail message initially gets that label, and the
"Remove label" button shown with Gmail's "Inbox" is called "Archive";
otherwise it's just another label, like all the others.
Because of that genius, Gmail's Inbox can contain
both "read" and "unread" messages, which is what
everyone expects and needs for feeling completely at home,
able to use "read"/"unread" as a separate, meaningful distinction,
also never risking having a message vanish from sight and be lost,
just by being accidentally read.
Each IMAP account should come with an Inbox anyway,
because that's built into the IMAP model, IIRC, on the server side.
I even have a local "Inbox" for an Opera-defined POP account,
although I think I had to create it myself, and it's not
absolutely foolproof because I had to rely on "Received:" headers
to initially identify incoming mail messages, as distinct from
newsgroup postings, the later of which I think Opera's model
better fits than real email, for which it is unfit, due to the very
lack of the powerful "Inbox" concept, not replaceable by "unread" alone,
which the entire user world (rightfully) expects to have at its disposal.
I already presented this case years ago, just summarizing it now.
Does Opera yet come with an "Inbox" label these days, even if optional
(defaulting to "show Inbox" might be best), since it was all so obvious
how important that was to potential users, including the zillions
who have moved to Gmail and Google Apps mail?